Caravan towing safety tips to make you a better caravanner

It's the perfect time of year to pack up the car and head out on a road trip! If you're like us, you might be dreaming of taking your caravan down to the coast or scenic countryside. But before you hit the open road, make sure you're prepared with these caravan towing safety tips. With a bit of preparation, you can rest easy knowing that your family vacation will be safe and fun for everyone!
Quick travel tip for a great caravan adventure, no matter your destination:
Before we get into the caravan towing tips, here's a great way to enjoy your next road trip that will make your caravan trip a hit. Caravanning is one of the best ways to enjoy our great country with your friends or family and we have found that besides good safety the key to enjoying your trip, especially a long-distance trip, is to make sure all your family is aware of the key adventures you're likely to encounter. This will allow everyone to pack all of their clothing and essential adventure items, so they can engage in all the great adventures planned or unplanned.
But before you set out on your next caravan road trip, be sure to read the following towing safety tips!
8 caravan towing safety tips
- Don’t rush your pre-trip preparation but rather use an external checklist and internal checklist, and have vehicle and caravan services done ahead of time before departure. If caravan insurance repairs are needed, book in early.
- Plan sensible travel distances to spread out your day's travel rather than rushing the whole trip to make an artificial deadline. Like lessons in life, the journey can be as exciting and adventurous as arriving at and enjoying the destination.
- Do some research about safe towing that might just save a life and that life might be yours. Safe towing is about driving according to the road conditions particularly out west and keeping yourself to a moderate and controlled speed rather than right on or above the speed limit.
- Always check fluid levels and electricals in both van and vehicle prior to departure and regularly throughout your trip. Towing a van places some considerable strain on a vehicle which might mean using more oil or coolant than normal driving.
- Learn to be courteous to other road users, particularly the truckies that cart our foodstuffs and other goods all over our huge nation. There is no shame in pulling over where safe, to let other traffic pass and quite often you will get a friendly wave or toot because of your courtesy.
- Use the rest areas provided to break up the trip and give yourself and your travelling companions a well-deserved break.
- Be very aware of the need for sensible loading of your van. Incorrect weight distribution is a major cause of caravans doing the swerving thing that can lead to serious loss of control and possible rollover. Excessive speed can also end up in the van swerving severely with a major loss of control. Caravan insurance repairs can be carried out very effectively as long as there is enough of your van to repair.
- Ensure that you have the ability, using your towing mirrors, to see down either side of your van or even better have a rearview camera also installed. They are just the best for knowing if you are holding up other traffic, giving you enough warning so that you can show courtesy to your fellow road users.
In conclusion - plan & stay safe!
Travelling with your temporary home behind you is just the best feeling. Especially when you roll up at this beautiful spot and decide just to prop for a few days because it is just so peaceful. Getting there safely of course is the most important part of the whole exercise so as we have outlined, being sensible about how far you travel in a day and travelling the roads using your full focus just make safe travel that much more pleasurable. Also remember, it’s not always the destination but the journey that makes for a great trip, so be sure to stop at scenic viewpoints and tourist traps :).
With a bit of preparation and these handy caravan towing safety tips, you're guaranteed a safe and fun road trip with your family or friends!